
作者:佚名 资料来源:网络 点击数:    有奖投稿


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莲山 课件 w w
w.5 Y k J.COm

考试时间:100分钟      总分:100分
第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分)
第一部分  听对话回答问题 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话读两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的答题时间。
A. 听录音,选择合适的图画或答案。每段对话听两遍。
(    ) 1. Which country will Jack visit this summer?



        A.                        B.                       C.
(    ) 2. How will the woman go to work today?



  A.                        B.                       C.   
(    ) 3. What is Mike’s dream?


   A.                         B.                      C.
(    ) 4. What will they do this afternoon?



  A.                        B.                       C.
(    ) 5. What time will the meeting begin?
     A. At 8:45.           B. At 9.00.         C. 9.15
(    ) 6. Where’s the post office?
        A. Behind the bank.    B. Next to the bank.   C. In front of the bank.
(    ) 7. What is Cindy going to do?
        A. To visit her friend.    B. To go to the theatre.    C. To do her lessons.
(    ) 8. How many American students are there in Simon’s class?
        A. 31.       B. 13.       C. 18
(    ) 9. Where will Tony go this weekend?
 A. To the lake      B. To the beach.         C. To the park.
 (    ) 10. How long will they stay there?
  A. All the morning.           B. All the afternoon.     C. All day.
听一段对话,回答第11- 12小题。
(    ) 11. Which place does the woman want to go?
         A. The factory.        B. The shop.        C. The bank.
(    ) 12. How will the man help her?
A. He will give money to her.                 B. He will drive her there.
C. He will give her his bank card.
听第一篇短文,回答第13 -15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。
(    ) 13.A. clothes            B. toys        C. chocolates
(    ) 14.A. drawing               B. reading       C. writing
(    ) 15.A. uncle                B. brother       C. grandfather
    听第二篇短文,回答第16 - 20小题。
(    ) 16. Where will the speaker go?
         A. To a city.         B. To a town.       C. To the country.
(    ) 17. What do the visitors not do on the farm?
         A. Learn how the plants grow.
         B. Learn how to grow plants.
         C. Learn how the farmers work.
(    ) 18. How many days does the speaker stay on the farm?
         A. About two days.      B. About three days.     C. About four days.
(    ) 19. How will they go to the farm?
         A. By bike.        B. By bus.          C. On foot.
(    ) 20. What is the speaker’s telephone number?
         A. 64126732.        B. 64127623.          C. 64127632.
(    ) 21. It is ______ interesting work for a student to make ______ UFO.
      A. /; a             B. an; an          C. /; an            D. an; a
(    ) 22. Our school library is ______ the east of the school, ______ the south of our classroom.
      A. in; in         B. to; to     C. on; to    D. in; to
(    ) 23. Is there  _______ in today’s newpaper?
        A.new anything    B.something new    C.anything new     D. new something
(    ) 24. --- _______ is it from your neighborhood to the theatre?
         --- Only ten minutes ‘ walk.
        A. How often      B. How much     C. How long    D. How far
(    ) 25. --- What kind of house would you like?
--- I’d like ______ with a garden in front of ______.
        A. it; one       B. one; one     C. one; it       D. it; it
(    ) 26. --- Can you ______ anything strange? 
         --- Yes. It ______ like a small mouse
        A. sound; listens    B. hear; listens   C. hear; sounds  D. listen; sounds
(    ) 27. --- There ______ flower shows in Dafeng soon. Shall we go and watch?
--- Good idea. It must be great fun.
    A. will have       B. is going to be   C. will be     D. is going to have
(    ) 28. --- How do you read the number “200, 065”?
      --- We read it like this, “______”.
  A. two hundred thousand sixty-five        B. two hundred thousands and sixty-five
  C. two hundred thousand and sixty-five     D. two hundreds thousand and sixty- five
(    ) 29. In which word, “ed” has the pronunciation(发音) of /t/?
A. searched   B. wanted   C. carried     D. listened
(    ) 30. --- I’ll go on a picnic with my classmates tomorrow.
         --- ______.
        A. Thank you        B. I’m so sorry to hear that
   C. Have a good time       D. The same to you
(    ) 31.      !It’s dangerous over there.
A. Look over  B. Look at  C. Look out  D. Look up
(    ) 32.I________buy the computer because I had no money with me then.
 A. can   B. can’t   C.could   D. couldn’t
(    ) 33. The room is      to hold 100 people.And there are______to sit on.
A. enough big; enough chairs  B. big enough;  chairs enough  
C. big enough ;enough chairs   D. enough big; enough chair
(    ) 34._____exciting news you told me just now!And ________good time they had!
A. What  what a   B. What an ,what   C.What ,what   D. What a  what a
(    ) 35. —Will you please      for my dinner,Peter?
A. spend B. pay   C. cost   D. take

How do you go to school? Some students may answer, “By car”. Maybe some others will look at them through green glasses (羡慕地).
You needn ’t feel  36  if you have no cars. It’s true that cars are  37 . Many people find it difficult to think about  38  life will be like if they have no cars. But now more people know that too many cars bring great  39 . They make streets too  40
    People are trying to stop pollution from cars. One way is to make  41  cars. But it 42   much money to make these cars. And more people think about better ways. We can 43  our lifestyle. A lot of Americans go to work 44  bike now. Riding bikes is clean and healthy. It helps people get strong. Let’s try together! I hope we can live in a green world  45  pollution some day.
(    ) 36. A. bad              B. good        C. well         D. better
(    ) 37. A. interesting        B. important      C. difficult      D. dangerous
(    ) 38. A. how            B. what      C. why    D. where
(    ) 39. A. lessons          B. fun      C. skills      D. problems
(    )40. A. small           B. clean          C. busy       D. modern
(    ) 41. A. green           B. red         C. yellow       D. white
(    ) 42. A. takes          B. spends          C. pays      D. costs
(    ) 43. A. have         B. change        C. enjoy       D. make
(    ) 44. A on            B. by            C. with      D. ride
(    ) 45. A. with              B. without       C. have          D .has
   New payment Methods for online Shopping in China
Payment ways       
Appearing time Dec.12,2004 Sep.9,2005 Aug.8,2003 Jan.12,2011
Companies Taobao Tencent Yeepay Tencent
Description A transfer (中转) station(a third account (账户)between sellers and buyers) Buyers' money goes directly to the sellers
Ways Through computers or mobile phones Mobile phones
The number of cooperative banks 180 5 9 11
The number of users 30,000,000 3,000,000 100,000 30,000,000
(     ) 46.According to the form above,we can know some information about      .
A.online shopping        B.new payment methods  
C.online stores        D.the uses of Internet
(     ) 47. Which payment way appeared in China earliest?
A. Alipay          B. Tenpay         C. Yeepay       D.WeChat pay
(     ) 48.          are from the same payment service company.
A.Tenpay and WeChat pay      B.Yeepay and WeChat pay
C.Alipay and Tenpay            D.Tenpay and Yeepay
(     ) 49. We can use          to pay for online shopping on the computer.
A.Alipay only       B.WeChat pay only
C.the other three ways except WeChat pay  D.all the four methods in the form
(    ) 50.When you buy something on Taobao,the money you pay first goes to        .
A.the seller’s mobile phone         B.the seller directly
C.a bank                  D. a third accoun t between sellers and buyers
 It is a sunny day. Alice finds a pair of shoes in a shoe shop. Suddenly the shoes move towards Alice.
 “Hey! What’s happening?” Alice shouts.
  A loud voice comes from the shoes, “Welcome my friend. I  am magic shoes. Would you like to travel with me?”
 “Sounds great! Let’s go ,” Alice answers happily.
  First they fly high up into the sky and they land in a jungle. It is hot and wet because it is raining. Then they fly to the desert. It’s very hot and dry there. After that they fly to the South Pole. There is lots of ice. Everywhere is white, and it’s really beautiful. Then they fly to a forest. It’s windy there. After a while, they fly to an island in the sea. There is t hunder and lightning. Alice is afraid. “Ah! Let’s go home! ” she cries.
  Finally, they fly back home. The shoes land in the shop and Alice gets off. “Wow! What a wonderful experience (经历) it is! ” she says.
(     )51. When Alice finds the shoes in a shop at first, they suddenly         .
        A. fly into the sky          B. move towards her
       C. become dirty           D. fall off the shelf
(     )52. What is the weather like in the forest?
       A. It is hot and wet.     B. It is sunny.     C. It is windy.       D. It is snowy.
(     ) 53. How many places do they go?
       A. Three.           B. Four.        C. Five.       D. Six.
(     )54. How does Alice feel during this experience?
       A. She is always happy.            B. She is always afraid.
       C. She is always calm.            D. She is happy at first and then afraid.
(     ) 55. What’s the best title for the passage?
       A. The weather in the world.             B. Alice and magic shoes.
       C. A magic weather report.             D. Alice’s trip to the forest.
Lester was walking in the street with two big and heavy boxes. A stranger walked up to him and asked, “What is the time?”
Lester stopped, put down the boxes and looked at his watch. “It’s five fifteen,” he said. “Hey, what a nice watch!” said the stranger. Lester smiled a little and said, “Yes, it’s not bad. Look at this.” Then he sh owed the stranger the time for 86 big cities in the world. He hit a few buttons (按钮) and it told the time in Chinese. Lester went on, “ You can set (设置) it in English, Chinese, Japanese and so on.”
The stranger looked very interested in the watch.
“That’s not all,” said Lester. He then pushed a few m ore buttons and there was a small map appeared on the watch. “The map can show where we are,” said Lester.
“I want to buy this watch!” said the stranger.
“Oh, no, I’ m not selling it. I designed it myself. I spent nearly two years making it.” said Lester.
“Oh, you are the designer. I’ll give you $ 1,000 for it!” “Oh, no, I spent more than that.”
“I’ll give you $ 5,000 for it!” Lester stopped to think. The stranger quickly gave him a check (支票) and said, “$ 5,000 . Here it is.”
Lester finally agreed to sell the watch. When the stranger was going to leave with the watch, Lester pointed to the two big boxes and said, “Hey, wait a minute. Don’t forget your batteries(电池) .”
(    ) 56. Lester stopped in the street because         .
A. the boxes were very heavy      B. he felt very tired
C. a stranger wanted to buy his watch    D. someone asked him about the time
(    ) 57.What was in the two boxes that Lester was carrying?
  A. money    B. batteries    C. watches   D. paper
(    ) 58. We can know from the passage that Lester was a         .
A. designer   B. sportsman    C. teacher   D. doctor
(    ) 59. The stranger paid          for the watch.
A. nothing   B. $ 1,000    C. $ 5,000   D. $ 4,000
(    ) 60. Which of the following is NOT true about the watch?
A. It can tell the time in different languages.
B. It can tell you where you are.
C. It is easy to wear and carry.
D. It can show the time for many big cities around the world.

第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题 共40分)
A. 根据英文提示句意或中文,完成下列句子。
61. My father always ______________ (to say or write something as an answer) to my emails in time. 
62.Please knock on the door before you  ______________ (go into) the room.
63.___________(突然),the little boy heard a strange sound.
64. What _____________ to you yesterday? I hurt my leg.
65. He d_______to work hard at English from then on.
B. 根据句意选择合适的单词并用其适当形式填空
  visit      danger     care       she      ninety
66. Plan everything _____________, and I’m sure you will have a nice trip.
67. To keep safe, ______________ to our school have to write down their names at the gate.
68. My parents will have a party to celebrate Grandma’s ______________ birthday this weekend.
69. My mother is busy cleaning the house because a friend of ______________ is coming to my home.
70. Fire can be very________, so it’s important for us to be careful with it.
C. 从方框内选择合适的动词并用正确的形式填空。
  not be      sing      fix        begin        sound      
71. Listen! How beautiful  the music _________!
72. Get up early, and you ______________ late for school.
73. Mr Wang put his computer on the desk and ______________ to chat with me.
74. My uncle often ______________ things like broken bicycles for his friends.
75 I often hear my new neighbour ___________ songs at night. How I want to stop him!
76. He had to stay at home and all day long. (改为否定句)
   He________   _____  to stay at home all day long.
77. The film is very exciting.(改为感叹句)
______  ______ the film is!
78. He went to the park by bike yesterday afternoon. (对画线部分提问)
______________ did he ____________ yesterday afternoon?
79. Mike is not old enough to go to school.(改为同义句)
   Mike is______young _______go to school.
80. He hurried to school this morning. He didn’t eat breakfast. (合并为一句)
   He hurried to school ______________ ______________ breakfast this morning.
七.课文填空及音标(本题共10小题,每小题0.5  分,满分5分)
He ___1___water over his clothes to __2____himself.Then he ___3___into the kitchen.There was heavy__4_____and the fire was very hot.He put a wet____5___over Mrs Sun and helped her out.Later some ____6___came and pit out the fire.
7.parrot______   8.reach______    9.rubbish_____      10.through______
八、阅读短文,完成表格,每空一词。(共10小题, 每空0.5分,计5分)
    The USA is a very big country to visit, so choose carefully  t he places to see and the time to go. Bring a good map because you may want to go around.
New York a nd Washington D.C. are good places to visit in May or Octo ber. It’s not too hot then. In winter there’s a lot of  snow.
The best plan is to arrive in New England in September. The weather starts to get cooler and the trees start to change colour. It’s a good idea to bring your camera because you may want to take photos of the autumn leaves.
4,000 kilometres away in Los Angeles, Califo rnia, the weather is fine all year. It’s nice to see the Sun in December! Bring your swimsuit because you might want to swim in the sea.
In the northwest, it isn’t very cold, but there’s a lot of rain, so bring an umbrella. It’s nice to visit Alaska in July and August but it might be cool in the evening. So don’t forget to wear some warm clothes. But don’t come in winter. It’ll be dark all day and very cold.  
In Texas and the southeast, there are many big rains from time to time in summer and autumn. It’s usually very hot and sunny.
So when’s the best time to visit the USA? Any time you like!
When’s the best ti me to visit the USA
The USA is so      1      that you should choose carefully the places to see and the time to go.
Places Best time to visit      2        Suggestions(建议)
New York and Washington D.C. In May or October It’s not too hot then. In winter it   3 _  a lot. /
New England  In Septe mber It starts to get cooler. Bring y our camera and _4_       photos of the autumn leaves.
Los Angeles and California In December It is  5    all year. Bring your swimsuit to _6_         in the sea.
Alaska In July and
    7     It might be cool in the evening.     8   to wear some warm clothes and  never come in winter. It’ll be dark all day and very cold.
Texas and the
    9        / Sometimes there are
many big rains in summer and autumn. It’s usually very hot and   10   . /

假如你是Simon,想推荐Mary获今年的优秀学生奖(Good Student Award),请根据下面的要点,写一份信给王老师。
1. Mary对人友好,乐于助人,经常帮助同学打扫教室,给车上老人让座。
2. 学生努力,各门功课都很优秀,尤其对中国历史了解许多。
3. 擅长游泳,有时教其他人游泳。
4. 上星期回家的路上,从河里救出一个八岁的小女孩,最后自己生病住院。但她觉得……
Dear Mr Wu,
__________________ _______________________________ ___________________________________Yours faithfully,

1-5 BCABB      6-10 CBCCC     11-1 5BCABC     16-20 BACCA
21-25 ADCDC  26-30  CCCAC  31-35 CDCAB
36-40 ABBDC   41-45 ADBBB  
46---50BCACD  51-55BCDDB  56-60 DBACC 
1.replies      2.enter        3. Suddenly    4.  happened   5. decided
6.carefully    7. visitors      8. ninetieth   9   hers       10 dangerous
11.sounds    12.won’t be     13began     14 fixes         15.sing
六. 句型转换
1.didn’t have  2.How exciting    3.What  do   4.too   to   5. without eating
1. poured  2. protect  3. rushed  4. smoke  5.blanket    6.firemen
1.big         2.Weather   3.snows     4.take         5. fine
6. swim      7. August   8. Remember   9.south-east   10. sunny
九.  略

文 章来源
莲山 课件 w w
w.5 Y k J.COm



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