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日期    年 教学
课题 Unit 1 Dream homes 课时
安排 1
 月 日  Comic strip & Welcome to the unit  7

标 1. To introduce countries and capitals.
2. To start the students to think about an international context, including different environment and lifestyles.
重点 1. the names of the countries
2. the names of the capitals
3. some important words and phrases: would like to, next to, the capital of
集 体 备 课 二 次 备 课
Step 1 Free talk and lead in
• Did you have fun during the winter holiday?
• How did you spend your holiday? 
• Where did you go?
• Did you go to some places of interest(名胜)?
Do you know any countries?
Show the students a map of the world and talk about it (some countries).
Step 2 Presentation
1. Practice: countries and capitals
 e.g. Tian’anmen is in Beijing.
Beijing is the capital of China.
 capital  首都  The capital of China is Beijing.
 What’s the capital of …?
2. Do you know?
1. The capital of the USA is _______________.
2. The capital of the UK is ________________.
3. The capital of France is ________________.
4. The capital of Japan is _________________.
5. The capital of Russia is _________________.
6. The capital of Canada is _______________.
7. The capital of Italy is _______________.
8. The capital of Australia is _______________.
Revision: Useful words
Noun           capital            adjective
America       Washington DC       American
…            ….                 ….
P7 Part A
1. Japan    2. the USA    3. France 
4. Canada    5. the UK    6. Russia
Step 3 Part B
A: Listen and answer:
1. Which country is Mount Fuji in?
2. What is the capital of Japan?
B: Make up similar dialogues about the places in Part A.
Step 4 Practice
Challenge 1:
1. It is a volcano. It is the highest peak in Japan.
2. The president of the USA works and lives in it.
3. It is made of metal. It is the symbol of France.
4. It is the symbol of Canada. Many tourists visit it every year.
5. It is the biggest clock in the UK. It still works.
6. It is a famous square in Moscow. People always celebrate festivals there.
Challenge 2:
1. The most famous clock in the world is called _______. It is in ________ ______________.
2. Red Square is in ________.
3. The city of ________ was famous for the World Trade Center which was destroyed in 2001.
4. Look at this lovely koala, it only lives in __________.
5. Have you ever been to Paris, the capital of ____________?
6. Many _________ women are good at the art of making tea.
7. Washington DC is the capital of ________.
8. The first three largest countries are _______, ______ and ______.
Step 5 Comic strip
1. Lead in:
They are beautiful countries and capitals. When you are free, do you dream of living there or going on a trip there?
We would like to have a dream home on the moon.
What dream homes would you like to live in? palace宫殿,皇宫
2. Listen and answer: Where would Eddie like to live?
3. Read and answer:
1) Which is Eddie’s favourite restaurant?
2) Why does he want to live next to the biggest restaurant? Can you guess?
4. Talk about Eddie’s dream home.
Eddie would like ________ next to a _________. He _______ the biggest _____ is ______ best. He likes it because he ____________.
Eddie doesn’t choose to live in a _______ but he _______ like to live next to the biggest restaurant in Beijing. He is a ____ dog. Every day he never exercises but he walks to his bowl many _______ a day. He always feels sleepy and _______. He only knows when to eat and when to ______. If he chooses the biggest restaurant, it is _______ for him to get different kinds of food and ______ nice meals every day.       Do you think it is a good choice (选择) for him?
Step 6 Put the Chinese into English
1. Can I sit ______ ______ ______ (你旁边吗) ?
2. I ______ ______ ______ (很想) live in the beautiful country?
3. I would like to have a ______ ______ (理想家园) in the capital of the USA.
4. 在这个首都,有许多大饭店和美丽的宫殿。
There _______ many big restaurants and beautiful palaces in the _______.
5. ______ _______(最大的) restaurant is my favourite.
Step 7 Discussion and group work
Eddie chooses to live next to the biggest restaurant in Beijing as his dream home, because he likes eating and sleeping very much.
Then, what about you, boys and girls?
Use the beginning and the ending like the following:
Boys and girls,
I would like to say something about my dream home. I would like to
live in … because                                         
_________                                               .
That’s all! Thank you!
Complete the exercise on Page 7.

Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

Make up similar dialogues.

Two challenges:
Finish the exercises to improve the skills.

Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

Read and answer more questions.

Write a short passage.
作业 1. Recite the new words and the text.
2. Remember the capitals of the countries.
几个难点和考点:would you like to; the biggest one; one/it; the capital of…
P7, B对话要熟练掌握运用。有能力的同学背诵这个对话。

日期    年 教学
课题 Unit 1 Dream homes 课时
安排 2-3
 月 日   Reading 1-2  7

标 1. To read and learn about different types of homes and lifestyles.
2. To obtain details about homes in different countries.
重点 1. Learn something about the homes and lifestyles of foreign countries.
2. Some important words and phrases.
集 体 备 课 二 次 备 课
Step 1 Free talk and lead in
Homes around the world
Where do you live?
Different rooms.
Step 2 Fast reading
Where are the three children from?      
Step 3 Reading
Read Passage 1 and answer:
1. What is Neil’s favourite room?
2. What do his family do in his favourite room?
Read Passage 2 and fill in the blanks.
Anna is from _______. She lives in a __________. She has a nice________room. She________ a bedroom ______ her sister. They listen to _______ in bed.
Read Passage 3 and tell F or T.
1. Stephen lives in a large house.
2. There are 8 rooms in Stephen’s house.
3. Stephen’s favourite place is the sitting room.
4. Stephen can see the beach from the kitchen window.
Step 4 Read the three passages again, do B1, B2, B3 and B4 on Page 9-10.
Step 5 Discussion
1. Where do you live? What do you think of it?
2. How many rooms are there in your home? What are they?
3. Which is your favourite room? Why\What can you do there?
My home
I live in a flat. It is nice. There are 6 rooms in my home. They are 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, a balcony, a sitting room, a dinning room. The bedroom is my favourite room because I like sleeping(\because I can sleep).
East or west, home is best. (金窝银窝,不如自家草窝).
Step 6 Notes
1. homes around the world == all over 遍及,到处 
beach  海滩   walk on/ along the beach
   Long Beach 长滩(地名)live in Long Beach
2. live at/on/in/next to/with
3. look out “向外看/眺望外面”,后接宾语要用介词。
  Look out! =Be careful! = Take care! 当心/小心 
  look out of sth. at sth.  从某处向外看到某人/物=see sth. from sp.
 look out of ___________________     
look at ______________________         
look out at ____________________  
look __________ the window ____ the children on the playground.
look for ______________________           
look forward to ________________  
look around  __________________      
  look after _____________________
  look like _____________________
4. share   vt.&vi.分享,合用
share sth. with sb. 与某人分享某物
  She won’t share her secret with us.
There’s only one bedroom, so we have to share.
Would you                                             ?
Tom                                              .
5. most
1) most+名词; adj. “大多数的”: most homes
Most girl students like wearing skirts.
the most of + (形)物主代词(his/ their)+ pl./〖u〗
大多数n.   指示代词(these/ those)
大部分    us/you/them
Most of the students would like to stay.
I spend most of my free time playing football.
Most of them think English is very important.
2. adv. “最”: like sth. most 

Free talk.

Read the three blogs quickly and answer the question.


Read one by one and try to get more information.

Do some exercises.


Learn the language points.
Do some exercises to grasp them.

Recite them after class.
作业 1. Read the article after the tape three times.
2. Recite the useful phrases and sentences.
反思 本节课的词汇量较多,在情境中教授新词汇,学生更容易记住。
几个重点和考点:share sth. with sb.  have fun with…

日期    年 教学
课题 Unit 1 Dream homes 课时
安排 4
 月 日  Grammar  7

标 1. To learn to use cardinal numbers correctly.
2. To learn to use ordinal numbers correctly.
重点 How to read and write some big cardinal numbers.
集 体 备 课 二 次 备 课
Step 1Talk about cardinal numbers
Ask Ss to remember where they can find numbers in their lives.
Give pictures about numbers in our lives.
Ask Ss to read page numbers, room numbers, student numbers…
1 章节,页数的读法
  第三课 the Third Lesson, Lesson Three
  第507页 Page five o seven
  第2564页Page two five six four /Page twenty-five sixty-four
  第305房间 Room three o five
  长安街76号seventy-six Chang’an Street
  电话号码204486 telephone number, two o four four(double four) eight six.
  十一路公共汽车Bus (No.) eleven
Review numbers from 1 to 100, and give Ss some simple maths problems to plus and minus.
Step 2 Talk about the spelling
0  ---  19  zero --- nineteen
21 --- 99  twenty-one --- ninety-nine
20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90
twenty      ………         ninety
Pay attention!
(1) –teen重音在 “teen”上;-ty重音在单词开头;
(2) 特殊变化:13/15/18/30/40/80;
(3) 表示“几十几”的数词中有 “-”,  如twenty-two, thirty-five等。
Step 3 Talk about the large numbers (how to read and write)
thousand n.千  hundred  n.百
111 , 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 , 1 1 1
billion n.十亿
million n.百万
Practise: How to read them
 100
 1,000
 10,000
 100,000
 1,000,000
 10,000,000
 100,000,000
 1,000,000,000
Pay attention!
1. 读三位以上的数词时,要在十位前加 “and”, 如十位为0则在个位前加 “and”,其他每三位数用”,”隔开;
2. hundred, thousand, million, billion
1) 当有具体数量时,不能加 “s”和 “of ”。
2) 当表示泛指数量时用以下形式:
 hundreds of … thousands of… millions of, billions of
Try to say the numbers
 A  597
 B  976
 C  1,204
 D  4,978
 E  5,809
 F  9,784
 G 10,000
 H 12,648
 I  19,581
 J  24,783
 K 198,679
 L 1,683,000
Step 4 Learning about different countries
P11: Read the numbers correctly.
Step 1 Read the ordinal numbers
Step 2 How to write ordinal numbers
1. 序数词1━19:除first, second, third, fifth,  eighth, ninth, twelfth变化不规则外,其余均由在基数词后加上“th”。
2. 十位整数的序数词:将基数词的词尾“y”变成“ie”再加“th”。
3. 几十几的序数词:把个位数变成序数词,十位数不变。
4. 整百、整千的序数词:hundredth, thousandth, millionth, billionth
1 基变序,有规律,末尾加上 th four ---> fourth
fourteen ---> fourteenth
2 一二三,特殊记,末尾字母 t, d, d One--->first
two --->second
three --->third
3 八减t,九去e,f要把ve替 eight ---> eighth
nine ---> ninth
five ---> fifth; twelve--->twelfth
4 Ty把y变为i,莫忘th前有个e twenty--->twentieth
5 如果遇到几十几,只变个位就可以 Twenty-one--->twenty-first
Step 3 How to write?
Step 4 Pay attention!
eg. Look at the fourth picture on your book.
   Today is my fifteenth birthday.
   It’s Lily’s fifth time to come to China.
1. 他在他们班第五名。
2. 明天是我表妹三十岁生日。
3. 我们计划十月二十日去法国。
Step 5 Exercises
P12: B2 Complete the sentences.

Ask Ss to remember
cardinal numbers by heart.

Read more.

Practise reading them more.

Recite them.
Try to say the numbers.

Practise reading them more.

Remember the rules.

Practise writing.

At the same time, do some related exercises.
作业 Recite the rules and some of the important words.
反思 主要就是背诵规则和单词。课后多复习、多背诵、多做练习巩固和掌握。


日期    年 教学
课题 Unit 1 Dream homes 课时
安排 5
 月 日   Integrated skills  7

标 To recognize words about homes, to identify items related to homes, to understand the location of rooms and furniture, to identify specific information about furniture items and to show understanding of relevant information by completing an e-mail.
重点 To identify specific information about furniture items and to show understanding of relevant information by completing an e-mail.
集 体 备 课 二 次 备 课
Step 1 Free talk
A: Questions:
1. Where do you live?
2. How many rooms are there in your house? What are they?
3. What’s your favourite place in your house? And why?
What kind of rooms are there in my home?
B: Revision: Neil’s home
Neil lives in a town 15 ________ from London. His favourite room in his house is the_______. His family and he often sit in the kitchen and ______ a cup of tea. They have a ________________. He always ___________ with his dog there.
Step 2 Listening
Part A1
1. Write the name of the place under each picture.
2. Listen to Neil and put the pictures in the correct order.
Part A2
Listen again, help Simon label the things in Part A1 with the words in the box
Step 3 T or F
1. (     ) Neil and his family don’t sit in the kitchen.
2. (     ) There is a garden behind the kitchen.
3. (     ) There is a large table in the dining room.
4. (     ) Neil’s family watches TV in the dining room.
5. (     ) The bathroom is new.
6. (     ) There is a lamp and some posters in Neil’s bedroom.
Step 4 Fill in the blanks
1. The sink and the fridge are ______ ____ the wall.
2. The garden is _______ the kitchen. In ________, they often sit _______ the tree.
3. They keep their best plates, ________, ________ and _______ in the ___________.
4. They like sitting on the _____ and the _________ because they are ____________.
5. Neil’s _________ is _______ his bed. The lamp is on the ___________ ______.
6. The bath, shower and toilet are all _______.
Step 5 Complete Simon’s e-mail
Part A3
Dear Neil
Thanks for your video.                
You (1)________ is really different from the flats here in our Town.
You (2)_______is full of flowers. It looks (3)________.
I also like your (4)_______. It looks big and comfortable. There
are many (5)______in your house, and you have your own
(6)_______. It is really nice. I also have a bedroom of my own, but it is not big.
I hope to visit your home some day.
All the best.
Step 6 Speak up 
Listen and answer:
1. Where is Simon calling?
2. What’s Simon’s new phone number?
3. Read the dialogue and act it out in pairs.
4. Make up a similar dialogue.
Step 7 Summary
1. 我能和…说话吗?/请找…说话。
2. 我是…。
3. 你是…吗?
4. 你是谁?
5. 我正从…打电话来。
6. 我能要你的电话号码吗?
7. Can I take a message?
8. Can you ask … to call me back?
9. Sorry, wrong number.
10. Can you say that again?
11. Just a minute.
12. Hold on, please.
13. I’ll call back later.
14. Sorry, he’s not here at the moment.

Free talk.

Finish the passage.

Listen to the tape twice and check the answers in class.

Listen again and fill in the blanks.
Complete Simon’s e-mail.
Check the answers and read together.

Listen and answer.
Remember them after class.
作业 1. Recite the dialogue on Page 14.
2. Recite the expressions of calling.
反思 教授听力策略与技巧。课堂上进行听力训练效果好于在家自己听。

日期    年 教学
课题 Unit 1 Dream homes 课时
安排 6
 月 日  Study skills  7

标 1. To understand the importance of stress when speaking English.
2. To identify where stress falls in a word.
3. To place stress on the correct part of a word.
重点 1. To understand the importance of stress when speaking English.
2. To identify where stress falls in a word.
3. To place stress on the correct part of a word.
集 体 备 课 二 次 备 课
1. Ask more able students what they want to find out when they read.
Write “Stress” on the Bb. Underline the particular syllables and put the stress in the right place.
2. Ask students to look at the rules in the tables. Explain to students the syllables highlighted in bold are the syllables they need to stress. 3. Ask more able students to underline particular syllables.
4. Tell students to read them again.
5. Randomly pick students and ask them to say a word.
Listen carefully to check if they have got the stress in the correct place.
6. Listen to Part B to identify the stresses.

Learn by themselves.
Listen to the tape and repeat.
Read more.

作业 1. Remember the new words learned in this period.
2. Preview Task.
反思 掌握好单词中的重音有助于口语的提高。课后要多操练。

日期    年 教学
课题 Unit 1 Dream homes 课时
安排 7
 月 日  Task   7

标 Write an article about your dream home.
重点 Write an article about your dream home.
集 体 备 课 二 次 备 课
Step 1 Revision
Neil’s home
• Where is Neil’s home?
• What kind of home does Neil live in?
• Does he have a garden?
• How many rooms are there in his home? What are they?
Step 2 My home
1. P16 A: Complete the questionnaire with your own information
2. Pair work:
  Talk about your home with your partner.
3. Do you like your home? Why or why not?
Step 3 Simon’s dream home
1. Read Simon’s article, answer some questions:
 Where is Simon’s dream home?
   How many floors are there?
What other things are there in his dream home?
 What rooms are there on the ground floor? What can Simon do there?
 How many rooms are there on the first floor? What rooms are they? What’s in each room? What can Simon do there?
 How many rooms are there on the second floor? What can Simon do there?
2. Analyze Simon’s article.
Main idea of each paragraph:
 location, floors, facilities
My dream home is … It has … floors.
There is /are….
 on the ground floor: different rooms (things and what Simon can do there)
 on the first floor: rooms (things and what Simon can do there)
 on the second floor: rooms (things and what Simon can do there)
There is/are…on the ground/first/second… floor.
There is/are always enough…there.
I would like to invite my friends to…
My friends like to…
It is great fun.
3: Write an article about your dream home
Step 4 Discussion
A: Questions
1. Where is your dream home?
2. What kind of home would you like to live in?
3. How many rooms would you like to have in your dream home?
4. What are the rooms?
5. How many people will live in your dream home?
6. What would you like to do in it?
7. Do you want to invite your friends to stay with you in your dream home?
8. Do you have any special ideas about your dream home?
B: Your own dream home
C: Sample writing:
My dream home is a big house at the top of the hill. It has four floors. There is a beautiful garden in front of it.
On the ground floor, there is a big room for parties. There is a karaoke machine there. There is also a small cinema. I often watch videos and DVDs there.
On the first floor, there are eight bedrooms. Each bedroom has a small swimming pool and a huge TV set.
The second floor is for my dog. She has lots of toys there.
There are some computer rooms on the third floor. I have more than enough computer games for my friends and myself.
This is my dream home. I hope my dream comes true some day.

Answer some questions.

Complete the questionnaire.
Work in pairs.

Read Simon’s article, answer some questions.

Analyze Simon’s article.
Learn some points.

Answer some questions.

Write a chart.

Learn the sample writing.
作业 Writing:
Write an article about your dream home.
反思 这篇文章写起来难度不大,因为书上有个框架结构。
几个重点短语要很好掌握:invite sb. to do sth.  more than enough  each room


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